I am running for one of two open seats for Springfield Public Schools Board of Education. I am the Executive Director at FosterAdopt Connect in Springfield, serving foster, adoptive, kinship and bio families. Previously, I served as the Grants Administrator at the CoxHealth Foundation, serving the entire CoxHealth system of six hospitals and 83 clinics, plus Cox College in all federal funding endeavors. I am a North side SPS kid and the mother of two bio sons and a licensed foster mom.
WHY: I first became interested in running for school board because of my oldest son, a 7th grader at Central. At the age of four, we identified behavioral concerns and sought out counseling at Burrell Behavioral Health for him and for our family to provide us with the tools to communicate better with him and understand him better. Most importantly, we wanted to be better advocates for his needs in his life. He has a 504 educational plan and is thriving at Central Scholars. Through the process, we were able to work with the principal, vice principal, teacher, and many counselors. We saw their passion to help our son be the best person and student he could be. I want to help advocate for other kids, and to support our educators as they work to help every student.
RESPONSIBILITIES: If I were to be elected to the Board, I believe it is my responsibility to advocate for livable wages for our teachers, staff, bus drivers, and nurses – everyone involved in our education system. As a mom and a public school kid myself, I also want to advocate for all of our kids. I have parented two special needs kids in SPS and want to ensure our education system supports all students.
COMMUNICATION: All public-facing organizations, whether for-profit or non-profit are judged on their communication. SPS has a wonderful communications team but as a parent, I see areas where communications can be improved to ease the frustrations of families. I would like to see more advance communication on large scale changes within the district to families. I have heard from frustrated families on changes in school schedules and busing options most recently. Continued efforts on a feedback loop from families can improve communication and ease frustrations.
DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION: Addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion with our SPS educators and staff is important. SPS children come from a large range of backgrounds when they step foot on SPS property – whether that be a bus, or a school building. We need to meet our children where they are and without the awareness of our children’s circumstances we cannot properly understand and serve them. As a bio/foster mom, I have witnessed the need for a continued focus on awareness and support of all of our children.
Community Involvement and Leadership Positions Held:
Please consider voting for me on April 5th. If you want to support through a contribution, donations can be made online: shorturl.at/oyAO9.
Paid for by the Committee to Elect Brandi VanAntwerp. Treasurer Cindy Fulp.
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